Haunted Kentucky: Harlan's Eastbrook Apartments


Eastbrook Station - Photo from Zillow

When it comes to renting an apartment in today's market, you need to act fast and have a good credit history. It's rare to find a landlord who will rent to anyone who makes less than three times their monthly rent or anyone who doesn't have a high credit score and a clean rental record. That is part of why the Eastbrook Apartments in Harlan, Kentucky are so popular.

The subsidized apartments are open to those who have a low income. They can choose between single units and multi-family units. While all of the apartments are affordable, they also have a risk that residents may see or hear a ghost. Given the history of the apartments, there may even be more ghosts who show up in the future.

In 2016, Harlan County deputies responded to a call about a welfare check. Once inside, they found the body of a two-month boy dead. Officers arrested the boy's mother, who was under the influence of drugs at the time. They also reported she had not tended to her son in at least 12 hours. Family members believe she neglected him even longer, which led to the initial call.

The horror of the apartments didn't end there. In 2021, police arrived at Eastbrook to investigate claims of a shooting. They found a teenage boy in the parking lot and called for an ambulance, but he died on his way to the hospital.

Some residents woke in the middle of the night to hear someone screaming or crying for help. They even heard someone banging or knocking on their door. One person claims they could hear the fear in a woman's voice. They called 911 and raced to the door. By the time they opened it, the woman was gone. Another resident heard a scream and banging sounds at her door. When she peeked outside, the noise abruptly stopped.

There are also stories told about ghostly little girls. Supposedly, the girls sound excited as they talk about makeup. Residents even heard them talking about new colors and products. They can hear them inside of the apartment's bathroom, so close that they worry about a neighbor sneaking inside. As with the other claims, the rooms are always empty.

I couldn't find much more about the haunted Eastbrook Apartments, but I'll update this post when I can. Also known as Eastbrook Station, the apartments are in Harlan, Kentucky.


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