Did an Ax Murderer Stalk Michigan's Dawnshire Park?


Dawnshire Park - Photo Here

As someone who spent a lot of time reading about haunted spots, I heard my fair share of urban legends. From the dog under the bed to the hook on the door, there are many you probably heard over the years, too. For those in and around Wayne County, Michigan, the story of the ax man in Dawnshire Park is one they pass around.

Located in Brownstone, Dawnshire Park looks pretty similar to any other park. The wooded areas are friendly and welcoming during the day, encouraging kids to play together. While adults are comfortable at the park during the day, they whisper about what happens at night. Between the park are the nearby Marsh Creek are woods where allegedly, an ax murderer once roamed.

The story first began in the 1990s. A young boy came home and told his mother that he saw a strange man in the woods. The boy claimed he went to grab his ball and saw a man with an angry look on his face, dragging an ax behind him. Assuming he was just making an excuse for being late, the mom didn't think twice until she heard from other parents about their children telling similar stories.

A group of kids raced home one day with a terrifying story. They claimed that they saw the man and yelled at him to leave them alone. The man turned, looked right at them, and then disappeared. Sure it was just another urban legend, but some of the parents went out to look for the man. Though they saw him and his ax, they also saw as he abruptly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Legend says the man still haunts the wooded area near Dawnshire Park. If you go out late at night and walk through the woods alone, you'll hear eerie footsteps behind you. Look down and you'll see your shadow along with the shadow of another person carrying an ax.

So, is Dawnshire Park in Michigan actually haunted? Or is this just another urban legend used to keep kids from playing in the woods? Let me know what you think!


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